Wednesday, 28 February 2018

The Many Decks of Fordek (Part 1)

The bow half of the UESF DISCO consists of many hundreds of decks, divided among fifteen distinct sections. Below is a light summary of what you can expect to see in five of them:


Holding vantage at the top of the DISCO, access to Bredj-Too is strictly controlled by specific members of the Kohman caste known as "The Wise". Compartments in this section are some of the best-maintained on all the ship, and contain a wide array of sensitive equipment and specially calibrated navigation tools. At the fore of this section is a massive stellar observatory with an assortment of devices called "telerotorscopes", which allow The Wise to chart the courses of celestial bodies even while the DISCO remains in a constant spin. Those who normally keep away from windows and portholes will become instantly nauseated upon entry, as the mass of spinning space moving in all directions around them is extremely disorienting to those without special practice in its observation.

A central control room originally intended for control of the ship by human pilots dominates three central decks in this section, though ancient looters and a lack of power have since rendered it almost entirely nonfunctional. Many of the original consoles and navigational gauges have been replaced over the cycles as part of a rebuilding effort by Kohman Preservationists, and The Wise are hard at work trying to get Bredj-Too back online. Unfortunately, this makes the command room a juicy target for heists from the lower decks.

The aft chambers of this section hold archival rooms that have since been converted to private quarters, stockpiles, and living facilities for The Wise, as well as communication rooms stripped of electronics and charting rooms that no man has yet been able to decipher in any usable fashion.

UESF DISCO - A Post-Apoc Space Civilization Reboot Setting

No human alive knows when or where the DISCO was originally built - any literature on the subject not burned many BilSpins ago to warm the families of the bow was most likely destroyed during the Mutant Heresy. According to legends whispered among the citizens of Fordek, the massive vessel comes originally from the NOoF (Nearer Orb of Flame), though the concept is laughable in modern academia; after all, how could such a marvel of technology possibly be developed inside an inferno? Many now contend that the most sensible origin of the DISCO is the Point of Little Grey, although Kohman telerotorscopes have yet been unable to pinpoint any sort of civilization on the rocky surface. At any rate, few aboard have the time, inclination, intelligence, or luxury of pondering such things...

Enter the decks of the UESF DISCO - a truly colossal wonder of ancient civilization, stuffed to the bulkheads with all manner of freaky individuals and wondrous locales. Roam the floors of Fordek and mingle with all sorts of oddball characters and absurdist factions, from the snobbish academics of Kohman Bredj-Too who work tirelessly day in and out to gain sense of bearing in the black void, to the impoverished masses and rat breeders of the twisting darkness in Lewahdek, to the deranged hoarding cannibals that nest in Man-Ketchun.

If you plan on testing your mettle, do as the young braves of Creeyo-Stasi-Own do and cross the Fractured Gap of Inky Fires over to ERIES, where you can go toe-to-toe with all manners of mutant (the slathering, shifty Valits, the chaotic and oddly-insightful Mashiniks, or the unspeakably brutish yet unscrupulously hygienic Maydee). If you're lucky, you might find an unsealed Argoba stuffed to the brim with pristine supplies, but be on the lookout for rampaging Shinefolk - their strength is many orders of magnitude greater than that of any man. The Kohmandars claim that the ERIES was shunted a few million rotations back by some outside force... who knows what unspeakable thing may have been unleashed in the depths of Gindek?


UESF DISCO (the United Earth Super Freighter DISCOVERIES) is my intended setting aboard a derelict super colony ship, left to twist in space above the charred remains of Earth after a catastrophic engine explosion ripped the craft in two. This setting is filled with all manner of factions, having to start societies from scratch all over again after awaking completely anew from cryonic sleep. Play is divided between the settled cabins of the ship's bow (the Forward Deck, or "Fordek"), where player interaction is tantamount to survival, and the chaotic radioactive remains of the ship's stern, ERIES, where paths to untouched riches must be carved in mutant blood, robotic lubricants, and alien plasma.

The UESF DISCO posts on this blog will serve as an ad-hoc gazette for such explorations, until such a time as we can assemble a properly packaged product intended for play. Be sure to check in periodically as we highlight people, factions, locations, foes and concepts intended for upcoming play in this exciting new setting!